As mentioned previously, a few months ago, together with some friends, I launched a non-profit organization, EzzyLink, whose mission is to support the most vulnerable, mobilize and transform communities, rural and urban through sustainable development programs.
For almost a month, EzzyLink has been supporting Ukrainian families coming to Moldova, fleeing the horrors of war. The campaign we have launched is called “Help Ukrainian Refugees” and aims to provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees in the form of hot lunches, food, hygiene products for women and children, mattresses, clothing, and other items of first necessity. In just one week, we managed to raise 6,000 euros, which were used to cover the most urgent needs of refugees.
More money was raised through the month. In this context, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart my friends, family, colleagues, partners, and people who contributed to this action. I have always had the certainty that beautiful things can only be done through common effort. The “Help Ukrainian Refugees” campaign proved it to me once again! So, big-big THANK YOU goes to: Rotary International (Club Rotary Chisinau Cosmopolitan), Olga Barlow, Eduard Karlin, Robert Blomberg, Oxana Ciuciu, Polina Gridneva, Marina Lascar, Luc Vocks, Henk de Lange, Carol Gordenstein, Carol Stern, Carol R. Anderson, Eugen Torica, Viorica Bulat, Mark Fohl, Yuliya Levin, Eduard Karlin, Stormy Sweitzer, Bob Schuknecht, Alina Busila, there were a couple more of transfers made with no name – thank you too!